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Past And History II

Published by Arie under on 6:43:00 AM
As for Chapter 2 my life journey from standard one till standard three.. Darjah 1 sampai darjah 3. 
First time masuk sekolah.. Huhuhu seram..  ceh.. poyo je lebey.. time darjah satu aku ingat satu peristiwa penting je.. Guru kelas aku namanya cikgu Asiah. Die menjadi guru kesayangan aku dari aku darjah 1 sampai la ni.. Die punya kata-kata semangat buat aku jadi lebih berani. Tp bukan berani bende lain la.. Berani utk teruskan hidup je.. Aku rasa time darjah 1 aku da xsama kelas dengan kawan2 tabika aku sebab mostly dorg lg tue dari aku setahun.. so dorg da darjah 2 la.. Hrmm my first friend yang aku kenal mase tu.. Kalau xsilap epul name die.. badan gemok2.. kulit putih2.. mase aku darjah satu kulit aku hitam gile.. dok asyik men je tengah2hari bute.. sampai ade sekali tu kene hambat ngn mak aku pakai penyapu lidi.. hahahaha.. Still meneruskan cita2 nak jadi arkitek mase ak darjah satu 2 dan tiga.. Darjah satu belajar ape je.. aku pon xingat.. Tp setahu aku darjah satu aku dulu xdela sampai nk kene belajar sains macam sekarang,, darjah satu dah belajar sains.. leceh gile.. Seriously saying my life is not science.. I love art more than anything that i like.. Art is very wide.. Kite xboleh nak ringkaskan art.. design kereta.. itu art.. design rumah itu art.. puisi.. itu art.. pantun.. itu art.. mase aku darjah satu aku penah dapat pujian dr ckgu praktikal sebab lukisan aku paling cantik tyme kelas die tu.. die kasik 5 star time tu.. hahahaha.. bangga siot org lain sume dapat 3 je aku dpat lima... hahaha.. tp segala kerja lukisan aku Cikgu Asiah xpenah cakap cantek.. Just die akan bg idea macam mana nak kasik lagi cantik.. Aku ingat satu perkara masa darjah 1, die pernah tanya aku.. kenapa aku kalerkan orang tu warna oren? Tau sebab ape? mase tu kaler coklat aku ade org pinjam.. so aku gne la alternatif kalerkan warna oren.. xpasal2 time tu aku kene gelak.. 5 bulan sebelum habes darjah 1 kejadian besar berlaku melibatkan diri aku.. Korang tau kenape kalau bergaduh aku suke bergaduh mulut je? and kenapa aku jarang nak bergaduh dengan orang? Sebab dia macam ni.. 5 bulan sebelum habes darjah 1, aku pernah terbelasah sorg member aku ni.. die potong line aku nak masuk kelas.. aku bengang la.. dah tu nak buat belagak lak.. time darjah 1 mane la boleh pikir sangat kan.. tau nk bergaduh je..  so aku da panah.. aku cuit belakang die.. die lawan balik.. aku ape lagi nek hangin la.. aku tarik kaki die dr belakang, die jatuh tersungkur ke depan.. aku naek atas badan die aku cekik leher die sambil maki hamun die.. babi sial sume keluar.. Yg buatkan aku trauma bile bergaduh ni, budak ni da nak mati sesak nafas time tu.. mak ngn ayah aku kene pgl g sekolah, aku kene denda ngn cikgu asiah.. guru besar panggil aku.. first time orr masuk bilik guru besar..hahaha.. sampai skrg aku akan kawal kemarahan aku.. ak xnak da jadi macam tu.. Lepas peristiwa tu aku ramai gak la kawan.. Sebab kunun macam hero.. hahaha.. bengong.. then berakhirlah dunia darjah satu.. masuk darjah 2.. everything normal.. guru kelas Cikgu Zaiton.. Emak kepada Aiman Farhana.. Perempuan paling cantik dalam kelas aku.. aku penah suke die tp xbagitau la.. sebab nnt  kene kutuk ngn member sebb ade awek.. aku heran gak kenapa tyme kecik bile org ade suke kat pompuan mesti kene kacau.. Ooo ko suke kat die ea? oOo siap ko aku bgtau kat dia nanti.. Aiman ade orang suke katkau ni.. tu 3 ayat contoh la.. tp mostly akan ckp mcm tula.. hahahaha... darjah dua semuanya ok.. Epul da pindah ... Adi pon dan pindah.. Adi ngn aku sampai skrg best fren.. kiteorg yg besfren ade 4.. Aku, adi, Gemok ngn kirin.. Dorang ni kwn bek ak kat melaka.. Hrmm darjah 3 pulak la.. PTS.. tau x ape tu? Penilaian Tahap Satu.. Sape lepas dapat lompat masuk darjah lima xyah masuk darjah 4.. hahaha.. aku xtau aku nye keputusan sebenarnya.. tp yg aku tau ayah aku penah tye kalau ak dapat lompat aku nak lompat tak? pastu aku cakap nak la kan.. ayah aku teros diam.. ak tye nape die xjawap.. ak u rase la kan.. aku dapat kot.. tp bapak aku  xsuke.. tu yg dia xbgtau aku tu..sebab bapak aku kalau surat aku sampai kat die n die tau aku suke and die xsuke konfem surat tu die pegang la sampai mati.. sebab kantoi time die simpan surat tawaran diploma acct aku kat KPTM.. Kolej Poly-Tech mara.. aku dapat kat bangi time tu..  hahaha.. itu la bapak aku.. selain dr sayangkan abang aku lebih.. die la ayah aku yg aku sayang sebab die aku da anggap mcm kawan ak da since aku matriks.. sebelum tu aku agak xsuke kat die.. sebab die asyik menangkan abg aku je... darjah 2 aku dapat nek pentas amek adiah utk markah  matematik terbaik batch aku .. n mase darjah 3 aku dapat adiah sebab dapat no 2 dlm kelas n macam b4 math terbaik.. The EEnd.. sambung chapter seterusnya NANTI..

Published by Arie under on 10:39:00 PM
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Secret Gardenie

Published by Arie under on 5:25:00 PM

Past And History I

Published by Arie under on 1:54:00 AM
Aku ingat lagi masa aku kecik dulu..
Time aku kecik dulu happy gile..
Xpayah nak pikir duit..
xpayah pikir pasal belaja sangat..

First aku nak start time aku tadika:::
Aku masuk tadika time aku umo 5 tahun lagi..
Masa tu yang aku ingat la...
Mcm ni...
Sikit2 jela yang aku ingat..
8.00AM:: Masuk kelas belajar ABC n Nombor 
(Aku ase ari2 aku ulang bende same kot)
9.30AM:: REHAT time!! Makan dulu..
Pastu kuar g main kat taman permainan depan tadika..
Then kalau da bosan masuk balik.. Rehat lame gile kot..
Lepas penat men kat taman men kawen2 lak..
Besenye aku la yg kene jadik pengantin laki..
Hahaha.. Xboleh blah..
Nanti adela membe aku men kompang ape tah.. ase kompang menan kot..
Aku pon xingat sangat..
Tp adela..
Aku selalu nampak cikgu aku sengeh bile kiteorg men kawen2
name cikgu aku Sabariah Ngah.. Tp org pgl dia Cikgu Chek..
Aku pon xtau nape..
Memang org panggil name tu..
10.45AM:: Masuk kelas balik..
Belajar ape tah..
Mmg konfem x ingat lah..
Sebab time ni mesti adenye lah kes pape..
Gaduh2 ngn kawan, merajuk,,
xnak belaja,,
Nak mak la,, ape la.. macam2 la..
Aku lak time nih xfokus selalu sebab aku xsaba nak balik...
Nak tau ape mak aku masak kat umah..
Time aku kecik2 mak aku time aku balik die suka masakkan aku
makan fevret aku.. Telur Masak Kicap..
Aku suke gile kot..
Sampai sekarang nih aku suke lagi,,
11.30AM:: Balik rumah!! Yeay!! Yeay!! Balik rumah..
Petang time tadika biasenye aku dok umah men lukis2 bangunan..
Sebab aku nak sangat jadik arkitek time tu..
Tp sampai skrg pon even da masuk course Business pon dok pikir pasal nak bukak firma arkitek sendiri.. Tapi bukan aku lukis la.. Arkitek len yg lukis...
5.30PM:: biasanya mak aku antaq aku pie ngaji muQaddam..
Dari dulu memang aku berbelit lidah bile sebut  bahasa Arab.. 
Xtau aphal..
Padahal da praktis da time secondary...
Tu yg bila tgk citer Nur Kasih aku dok terharu ja tgk watak si ADAM tu..
Ye ar.. Sebab lebih kurang cam aku je..
Kadang2 kalau xg ngaji petang2 aku dok g Sungai..
Dok melepak mandi kat situ ngn kekawan tadika aku..
Biasanya kiteorg mandi kaat tempat yang cetek jela..
Tak berani nak g tempat dalam...
7.15:: "Ibu abg nak g surau eh!!"
"Pegi la, Jalan elok elok.. Jgn bising mase org semayang nanti!!"
Aku pon pegi la surau..
Xjauh pon surau tu..
Time kecik2 aku sgt penakutt..
kalau nak jalan sesorg2 malam mmg konfem aku akan lari..
Nak tau nape??
Sebab mase aku umo 3 tahun aku kene demam panas..
Pastu malam2 aku mimpi aku ade kat atas curucuk banyak2 ala2 macam dragonball nye batang cerucuk tu yg banyak2 tu.. tempat dorg battle2 tu,,
Tp mimpi aku xseindah dragonball tu..
Aku mimpi ade satu makhluk mate satu dok ckp kat aku macam ni..
"Kau budak lemah!! Kau mesti ikut semua perintah aku!! Kalau tak aku bunuh kau!!" 
Aku ingat lagi ayat tu sampai sekarang..
Seminggu aku demam dok mimpi benda sama ja.. hahaha..
Malam terakhir aku demam before aku g jumpe dukun..
Aku mimpi lagi..
Kali ni xde dialog.. Aku just nampak tgn die kuarkan sume bende yg aku nak..
Contoh la.. Aku nak kerete dash, die kuarkan..
Aku nak jd arkitek die dok kuaarkan bayangan diri aku jadik arkitek dok tengah melukis bangunan tinggi gile.. 
Aku xpenah citer kat org pasal design die..
Tp akhir2 ni baru aku perasan design bangunan yg dok aku lukis tu ade sikit lebih kurang macam menara jam mekah yg tengah di bina sekrg..
Seyesly..Tp klu suh ak lukis mmg xla..
Aku bukan reti sangat melukis..
Memang macam2 la yg makhluk tu kuarkan.. even kenny rodgers pon ade..
Aku nak ikut die mule2.. da memang nak bangun dari pembaringan da..
tetiba aku nampak macam ade bende halang..
aku sampai skrg xpasti ape bende tu..
tp yg pasti tau2 je aku tersedar, mak aku ngn ayah aku kat tepi aku tengah bincang pasal nak bawak aku pegi jumpaa dukun..
Memang mase tu lepas bangun peluh aku mencurah-curah ke ladang gandum..
Esok nye la permulaan aku mule takut..
Sebab nenek tu cakap macam ni..
"Anak kau ni Nim kene kacau ni.."
"Bukan demam biasa ni.."
"Kau bg dia minum air yasin selalu.."
"Aku rasa die ni da kene ngn hantu pokok durian depan rumah kau tu"
Mase tu aku memang menggigil gile2 punye..
Budak kecik mana yg xtakut bile dengor cite org tue muke seram macam nenek tu?
Start ari tu.. kalau nk keluar g suraau aku mesti larinye la sampai kat surau baru benti.. hehehe..
Tula citernye kenape aku takut sangat bile jalan sorg2 waktu malam..
Then dalam pukul 8.50PM aku balik umah..
Balik tengok TV3 pastu dan2 tido depan TV.. nanti bapak aku angkat bawak masuk dalam bilik..
Mase aku kecik2 aku manje gile ngn bapak aku.. aku start 5 tahun kureng skit la..
Xtau nape..
Myb sebab satu peristiwa tu kot..
Peristiwa tu aku xyah citer la.. Sebab xbest pon..
Hrmm.. Mcm tula kehidupan aku time aku tadika..
Tp ade selit2kan sikit mase aku umo lingkungan 3 and 4 tahun la.. hehehe..
kalau 5 tahun je xbnyk sangat citer.. hahaha
okay la next time aku akan citer pasal time aku sekolah rendah lak..
Sekolah rendah lg banyak bende nak citer..
Sekolah rendah nnt ade 4 chapter..
Chpter 1: Darjah 1,2 &3
Chpter 2: Darjah 4
Chpter 3: Darjah 5
Chpter 4: Darjah 6



Published by Arie under on 6:41:00 PM
So long since my last post..
I'm really missing this blog..
miss to tell you about everything that happen..
First my raya was sucks!!
Then I left classes for 2 weeks since i came back to unimap..
next i join zapin..
something new..
well not quite telling how come i join zapin..
but let just pretend that I am really into it..
last night is the final performance or in other word grand final for the traditional dance..
I bet my Zapin group will get only second place..
how does I know..
let just pretend again that I've psychic..

no picture going to be publish here but.. 
you can check them in my facebook profile
~~twisted gamble~~grape juicy~~ 

From Perlis with LOVE!!

Published by Arie under on 7:35:00 AM
I left Perlis!!
Well on the 2nd of September 2010,
I took the bus to Penang..
It took about 3 hours and a half to reach Buttterworth
At Butterworth I have to take the Ferry to the main island
Later I took the bus and go to Queensbay Mall Penang,
Withdraw my money
and take a short tour in Queensbay Mall
Then I proceed to take the bus to USM..
First time ever I step my foot inside USM ground.
For those who don't know what is USM, 
USM is the abbreviation of Universiti Sains Malaysia,
Located at Sungai Dua, Bayan Lepas, Pulau Pinang..
There Haziq my matriculation was waiting for me at USM Mosque..
Then he took me to his room at Desa Siswa Restu..
The Residential College is way up the hill
But frankly speaking the Residential College is Up to the Ante
Then, we sleep a while to wait for 'Berbuka Puasa'
After that we go down to meet Ekayne my other matriculation friends
We ate at a Restaurant name Nazri..
The food is good but the Service was very sucks!!
But I feel for the first time LIFE as University Student.
Then at night reunion F2p8..
Rabiah, Sally, Azim, Khairom were there..
Again at Nazri but this time it is better
At night Sleep..
The next day sleep till evening,
then we went to Queensbay Mall to "Buka Puasa"
Well with Haziq of course
This time not a short tour but long tour haha..
From Lower Ground till 3rd Floor
I survey every places..
Then back at USM and at 10pm departed to Kuala Lumpur..

Pictures were taken..


Published by Arie under on 4:57:00 PM
Syawal Fakhri Muhammad

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Hello Hello NEW FACEBOOK.. Well Well see who gonna add me...

Nut Cracker

Published by Arie under on 9:38:00 AM
Alamak assignment x siap lagi nih.. Macam mane nih.. Lantak la,, Suh dorang jela buat.. sok macam malas nak masuk kelas.. hahaha.. balik dr alor star sok pagi terus benti spg 4 tido kat umah.. malam ade test so terpakse la..... HUHUHU... But then SELASA cuti.. yeay xtau nak g mana da.. hahahaha.. Entah la.. Unimap OH Unimap.. I heart UNIMAP.. :-)

So Bored with this TiTLE!!

Published by Arie under on 10:54:00 PM
Hahaha.. So fed up with the title but I really enjoying the place which I always hang out during over night break.. Alor Star the third time.. Today at 10.25 am Kak Ngoh, MEK n Me depart from Simpang 4 to Kangar. Then at 12 noon we took the bus to Alor Star.. Arrive at 1.10pm well this time the bus went straight to shahab perdana. Kak Ngoh the CAB QUEEN took the Cab and us to Star Parade Shopping Center (Pacific).. Kak Ngoh wants to buy a net-book but it is not her lucky day to buy it at Star Parade so we went to The Sentosa Plaza.. There Kak Ngoh fell in love with DELL Inspiron Net-book.. She bought it immediately and choose pink as its cover.. Nothing much to say but the first time ever I travel from one shopping Complex to another in the same day.. Hahaha..

Futsal Fever Coming Back..

Published by Arie under on 4:58:00 PM
Hrmm.. where to start?? Ok, let start with my current activities. Well today nothing much happen just me went to the library, watch my first Korean movie and that's it..  But last night or yesterday is a blast.. Okay lets start with when I wake up (actually it is not wake up I don't sleep that night, just to inform it is morning already) after my tired night studying Marketing, Management and Introductions to Business. Well went to my class and answer some quizzes and then wallah went back to Simpang Empat. Jumaat prayer and then went to class again. Luckily the quiz for management is cancel. (Great!!) Then back to Simpang Empat once again. Went to Bazaar and buy CHAR KUAY TEAW with Asam Kasturi drink. After breaking fast went back to class for the MID TERM TEST for MARKETING! My mind melted that night and my brain has stopped working!! S**T man.. hahahaha.. But that doesn't stop me from enjoying my LIFE..

Yeah!! Last night for the first time I played Futsal in PERLIS!! Well the place got 8 fields. Some is grassy field and some of it just cement floor. Well my team (ha? My Team?) consist of 6 person.. The name that I remember Jai, Zak, Anip, Azu, Din and the sixth is me.. Hrmm.. Enjoy playing with them. And it is worthed paying only RM5 for 9 games. 

Well our team result is like this:
First Match: Win
Second Match: Lose
Third Match: Win
Fourth Match: Win
Fifth Match: Win
Sixth Match: Lose
Seventh Match: Win
Eighth Match: Win
Ninth Match: Win

So that is the result for yesterday..
Off now got to go.. 
Write again later..


Published by Arie under on 3:38:00 PM

Even though I already know how to edit picture using PHOTOSHOP
and GIMP, but this for me is a new beginning for photo editing..
Well it is a web that allows you to edit your picture..
The first picture at top is the first picture that I edited..
Here are the others that I edited..

Pizza Hut Bahau (Matriculation)

Street Zero City Plaza Alor Star (University)

Blue Lagoon Port Dickson (Work)

Dataran Pahlawan Melaka Megamall Bandar Hilir (Hometown)

Angels And Airwaves

Published by Arie under on 4:39:00 PM

Angels And Airwaves
Thanks to Mr Jawe I knew this band
Well the song is simple,
the music is a style and simply good for your hearing,
You'll enjoy it when the first time you heard it,
The best of all, this band does have amazing vocalist,
If I knew how to play guitar for sure I'll play their song,
To good to be true this band is the best I've ever heard,
for this time being I think.
So head on to their website to know better about them..
As I'm saying reserve the better..

Just Pictures

Published by Arie under on 2:21:00 PM
Miss you..






