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She Makes me MAD!!!

Published by Arie under on 4:41:00 AM
I haven't had a clue yet why should all this thing happen.. Seriously I didn't plan anything to ditch her but something had to be done. 

 I don't know how many times did I need to say to her that I love her but she just don't get it. All she wants is for me to be always there for her. Hey come on la. Mane ade orang bleh bersame2 orang tu sepanjang masa. We talk about this every time we are on the phone. But like I tell you she still don't understand. I am a guy with freedom. I want to be free. Is not like I don't want her, it's more like I to have my time for her, and some other with my friends, family and myself. 

To add bitter pain to this story, she kept lever with timber that makes me feel a little bit annoyed by her action. I never ask her for that, but she keep pushing to give the things to me. I said to her I will returned it when I'm stable. But you know women is who never kept her promise actually. They usually said that we men who always break the promise make to her but they never tell when their race do the same thing. It make men looks like a fucking idiot. 

For just how long it will survive is as I expecting. She said she understand my condition, she said just go on, she said live your life. But then when I try to live my life she did this to me. What kind of slimy is that? Argh!! Why? 

I said to her every time we speak, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you .. But all that she ever listen to is what I'm saying about my life in University, how I make her feel sorry for me, when did I ever make her feel sorry for me? I never ask that, I never ask her anything..

I thought what I feel is love but... Bullshit la this whole love thinging.. Enough is enough.. I better off single with a lot of woman by my side rather than just one woman who makes my life go beyond my imagination. I'm going mad because of her.

But thanks to her I realise that I'm not capable enough to carry the weight to become someones serious boyfie a.k.a GPD (Girls Puppy Dog)..



anonymous said... @ December 3, 2011 at 2:55 PM

kay..NK TANYA...pernah x tanya DIA..kenapa dia jd mcm ni?...pena x?...pena tak letak diri di tmpt dia?..tau kenape dia selalu push kow?? semua org disekeliling dia menekan dia utk dia buat bnda yg dia sendiri xnk buat…semua orang…dia sorang spe lg dia nk mngadu?..pd kow?..oh lupe..kow xske berkepit 24h..kow xske pegang hp..kow xske org whining kat kow…cmne ek dia tuh ley lupe..ish2…ap pnya gal laa dia tuh!...
She said she understand my condition, she said just go on, she said live your life. But then when I try to live my life she did this to me. What kind of slimy is that?...
SLIMY??? and WHICH LIFE IS IT?...I DID WHAT?...kay laa...semuanya salah aku...but u noe the biggest mistake i made is accepted you in my u are free..go n live ur damn life...happy now?!..aku ase mnyesal sb rase bersalah kat kow suatu ketika dulu....aku mnyesal sb pena try carik kow utk minta maaf...ak mnyesal sgt2...aku yang jahat laa kn kat sini...aku..memg..
I don't know how many times did I need to say to her that I love her but she just don't get it.
ye..ak tau ko byk kali ckp mcm tu..ak ak xblh nk bls blik kt ko.. ko nk tau knape suma nye sbb slah ko..mmg ko ckp ko suka kt kt ak tp cra ko lyn ak xsma mcm y ko ckp ckp!!! ye ak tau mgkin ak slah sbb xpnah ckp kt ko ape prasaan ak sbnar nye kt cube ko fkir..ak ank gdis mlayu..ank org islam..ko pun knal ak mcm mna kn?? bg ak kta2 tu hya lyak org y dh sah jd suami ape y ko bt kt ak , ak xrasa ko lyak.
All she wants is for me to be always there for her. Hey come on la. Mane ade orang bleh bersame2 orang tu sepanjang masa. We talk about this every time we are on the phone. But like I tell you she still don't understand. I am a guy with freedom. I want to be free. Is not like I don't want her, it's more like I to have my time for her, and some other with my friends, family and myself.
ko pntingkn dri sndri!!! ko lgsung xhrgai ak, ak tau ko nk kbebasan tuk dri pnah ke ak hlang ko? xpnah kn!!! isyhh..KAY…nk tnya la kan…lau ad gal tu ad mslh dia msti nk sumone special to comfort her..bohong laa lau ad org yg kaple.. lau galz dia ad mslh dia x carik pkwe dia..bohong! semua org msti cari pasangan dieorg..tu utk mnunjukkan komitmen terhadap pasangan masing2…benda basic pun xpaham susah laa kan….
Ak tulis ni bukn nk carik gadow tapi lebih kepada tok come clean dgn ko….tu je…yg pasal sgt monyet tu..memg sesuai un tok ko…b4 ko g camp x kow bgthu ak?...seingt aku xda…jd lau ak carik kow xdpt..patut ke aku risau? kow semua tuh remeh je…lau kow dapat carik sumone better..bguslaa…sb we aren’t worth for each other……..go n live ur damn life the way u want n Im with my life…..ok?...

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